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Penetration of Light Energy
Improving Mental Health & Wellbeing
The Neuro Alpha3 transmits pulsed near-infrared (NIR) energy at the
10 Hz frequency, allowing you to harness the benefits of
light energy similar to the sun.
✓ Harnessing your brain's Alpha waves (8 - 12 Hz) can help you enter a 'flow state,' which allows you to accomplish a variety of tasks more efficiently, allowing you to
prioritize and focus better.
✓ Alpha waves induce feelings of relaxation and calmness, increase creativity and enhance your ability to absorb new information.
✓ Alpha waves are correlated with the brain's 'resting state,' offering support for mental acuity, stress management, alertness and awareness.
Benefits of Using Light Therapy
10 Hz Frequency of Light Therapy
20 min
50 Canadian dollars
Light Therapy
Near infrared (NIR) light energy is part of the electromagnetic spectrum - which are waves (or photons) of the electromagnetic field. This process is called photobiomodulation. Photobiomodulation can improve the brain's function by delivering light energy into the brain cells. The brain is the most complex organ in the body. With its numerous connections, it controls virtually all of the functions in our body. The NIR spectrum of light energy provides the deepest penetration into brain tissues that can heal damaged brain cells, improve blood circulation within the brain, reduce inflammation and toxicity and regenerate damaged brain cells. Continual help from light therapy to the brain creates an improved, efficient organ due to better signalling and repairing of connections between neurons. 3
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